City of Saint John

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Over the years Sojourn has worked extensively with the City of Saint John to supply a wide range of signage products and services including sign posts and hardware, regulatory and street name signs along with a wide range of custom signs.

One of the more unique projects we did for the city was partnering with ACRE Architects to fabricate and install a unique collage of reflective aluminum panels. We began in the fog against a concrete wall. The missing element was deafening. Where was the colour?

The habituated form that the language of transit signs has taken in our lives has made these colourful icons nearly invisible. The in transit bus stop and public art piece challenges to bring into conscious awareness the language of the road and to reinterpret its meaning. In Transit is comprised of 85 unique aluminum panels measuring 610mm wide x 3050mm high; 10 of which, are sculpted into simple benches whose form is inspired by the simplicity of the bus seat. Anchored to the existing concrete retaining wall, the panels create a new landscape of colour that runs along this once derelict street.

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